Structure your posts using this Simple Method and grow your Engagement Organically!
(A pro-tip waiting for you at the end, so keep reading!)
When posting content on LinkedIn or any other platform for that matter, at some point we are all skeptical about the engagement of our post and how it would be perceived.
I have observed rather frequently that some of the posts out there add immense value and learning to the viewers but still do not end up getting the engagement they deserve.
Now you may wonder that isn’t posting value content all that is being talked about?
Isn’t being valuable to the reader or not decides the potential of the post?
I would say Yes AND No.
Value-possessing content is indeed the need of the hour but that’s not all.
A lot goes before and after writing a post, which affects your engagement greatly.
Wanna know how my post views went from a mere 5K to a whooping 50K in less than a week? Follow this tried and tested 3-Step-Strategy which I implemented in my posts to increase engagement manifold times:
1) Catch the audience with an interesting ‘Hook-line’ that makes them go- WHAT, WHY or HOW?
In this way, you can successfully arouse curiosity amongst your viewers and compel them to read further.
2️) Structure the text in a way that is easy to read and at the same time adds immense value and learning to your audience.
This will keep them engaged with your post for a longer time and thus increase the engagement on your post as per the LinkedIn algorithm.
3) End the post with a ‘Call-To-Action’ for better reach and organic engagement.
This needs to be tailored as per the purpose of your post and the action you want your viewers to take after reading your post.
It could simply be it commenting down their views on your post, enrolling in a particular course, etc.
✨ Pro-tip: ✨
Ending the post with regular CTAs like ‘Views?’ or ‘Agree?’ won’t get you conversions. To stand out, you need to start thinking out of the box!
So, take this as your sign to analyze your previous posts and check whether you have been using these steps the right way to get the desired results.
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